Awakening from a vast and tender sleep, I rise from the ashes and put tracks on my hi-fi and listen to the stories many told, sounds that echo on my mind and continue to endure my every thoughts, I resume an entire album to joy and wonder.
Listening to poguetry in motion, I’ve surrendered myself to the displeasure and simple things in mind.
Observe people eating frame by frame on my obsolete mind.
Try to picture green landscapes; while searching for Jack-In-The-Green everywhere.
Don’t regard time as a meaning to enjoy life; knowing that in a briefcase, one can hold little and peculiar secrets, laughing madly at myself, I wonder; when two men came upon me:
What are you doing here?!
I’m merely observing a room that isn’t provided by thoughts.
Watching space and time everywhere and trying to configure time as an entry into another domain.
The men stood still with funny hats on their heads and with an ironic smile, from which, he can’t evaluate anything.
Rocks and rocks, searching for the salt in my life, I dream of bridges, I come and go, while the birds frighten me.
The two men, remain at my door and continue to watch and observe every movement I make, memories pass upon me, while I gaze to people that are quiet and still in a vast space, where time doesn’t enter, regarding neon flashes, while being on my bed, I continue to mutter a song, that’s entering on my mind.
The men fall and I see them come and go, on an obsolete angle, I can’t see their faces, I try to measure every line of thoughts that swallow me up, a napkin’s being put on lips, cleaning lips that haven’t any kind of purpose.
The men are all in black and I see grey on a vast universe, that’s my room, sense no smoke or whatever people sense, I’m leaving that moment on a peculiar place, suddenly I look all over the room and I see all the colours of the universe, smiling and gazing on me.
Where to go?!
These men, observe every movement I make and I feel myself caught in a net of thoughts and thoughts.
Writing it down, writing it down, I only wonder at words that aren’t spoken.
Observing my room, I see only a bed with no sheets on and wonder:
- Where are all the tiny objects that were here?!
One man then reflects and says quietly:
You’re in a little box, you’re trapped into a child’s body.
The other doesn’t say a word.
I look for words, I search for a pen, I collect all the pictures that are within me, but I can’t fill up the gaps, step after step, I pause quietly and nurture the inner child that’s crying loudly, breaking apart webs of space and time.
I regard myself as a little boy without any kind of space.
The two men are still there on a rectangle that won’t become a circle.
A lighter is lit and the fire becomes something to behold or something to frighten up pillows:
I’m plugged into my pillow, I sense atmosphere everywhere, pink’s passes by and I wonder what to do, I’m naked, no clothes on, no sheets to cover me and I start to imagine and to gaze towards the stars that won’t come down.
I sense a tension on the air, while the two men observe me meticulously.
One walks in circles rushing, while putting a cigarette, upon the room.
The other’s like a statue, that will and can’t move.
The action/reaction from myself is a curious one, I remain still once again and wonder where are all the drawings that were in my mind a couple of days ago, framing the details in words, I measure time as a brick that wants to complete a wall’s puzzle, by a question of space and time, I speak to myself:
The truth’s isn’t hidden, is a canvas being painted with lots and lots of smiles, all the flowers are within me.
Words to write, smile’s to be forged and as I sat quietly by my side, I venture into an endless journey that won’t go nowhere.
Their hats are filled with membranes, they are part of their bodies.
Sculpted in Ice, living on an Ice age, I let the tide come upon me, but once again, I can’t go anywhere, since the door of my room is closed and the two men are still there, feeding back, the effect of a boomerang that passes by is in the reflection of hidden things, with little sparkles of light, I try to give illusions to the two men, I give them thoughts, I surrender to oblivion, I try to give them meaning to a simple eye light, they pause even more still, looking at one another, not understanding what I’m trying to say to each other.
One of them shows me a little box, full of lost ideas from other people, the other takes off his hat and shows me a gateway to another time travel, I’m lost without any kind of sense and I interrogate myself:
Where to?!
Which path must I choose?!
They are very tall and I’m certain that they are older than me, am I afraid of these men?! These questions are meticulously put in my mind/head.
Their eyes are quickly put together, they stare and stare and I can’t see what’s going on their souls, since I see only rocks screaming in despair, when I look at them.
I’m quietly and speechless, trying to figure my mind’s eye, but I parade softly, being still and at the same time on an horizontal shape on my bed.
The bed’s carved, word after word, with some letters in it, it stands still among it all, I try to run amok in thoughts that won’t collide with mine, nevertheless, I enjoy fresh air and being in communion with the tiny little sparkles of magic in the air.
Atmosphere isn’t blank, it’s simply an obvious thing to do.
When all world collides into an enormous spaceship, I endure the circumstances of a particular moment/minute in time, sleeping nevertheless, I breathe in and out, I fill words into a blank page.
The two men are still staring at me, I emerge into little bubbles of oxygen that are running wild in my bloodstream, the circle isn’t complete without a task force that’s being removed, on a peculiar landscape, I find solace on little sparkles of salt.
Carrying on and on, I find a treasure beneath the wood that’s being carved letter upon letter on my bed, the urge’s strong, the will’s a gateway into a tense and dark region of the grey area, within water that won’t dissolve, I find a peculiar scent that echoes on the vast dominion of shelves that won’t be spoiled or split.
I regain my strength on the solace of my room, whereupon I gaze through the fences that seems to be near my bed; I see also bushes that appear out of nowhere and I see it all amazed, when one of the men, starts to eat an handsome chocolate filled with tiny strings of coconut; he devours it in two times and I see his two teeth glowing in the dark atmosphere that engulfs my room, I try to run away or even try to walk on by, but gazing at everything, I can’t move.